Conflicts or Design Constraints
STA = Station - Station 0 begins at the south end of Laguna Blvd beyond Palm Street.
STA 0+00 to STA 5+00
Palm Tree Relocation
On-Street Parking may not be feasible
STA 5+00 to STA 10+00
Palm Tree Relocation
Driveway Slope (15%)
STA 10+00 to STA 15+50
Palm Tree Relocation
Designated Parking (Marlin Arms)
STA 19+00 to STA 19+60
Existing Parking will be affected (Louie’s/ Laguna Bob)
STA 23+50 to 28+50
Narrow space due to street shifted to the west
STA 28+00 to STA 47+00
Palm Tree Relocation
Remove bushes STA 32+50
Power Pole Relocation at STA 41+00, STA 46+80
Remove trees at STA 43+00
Concrete at STA 44+00 to 45+00 (David Fazioli Appartments)
STA 52+00 to STA 111+00
Palm Tree Relocation
Existing Parking Encroachment STA 58+00 to 58+70 (Bonita Isla Rentals)
Power Pole Relocation STA 70+80
Driveway Slope STA 80+40 (15%)
FDC Relocation STA 87+80, 89+60,
Relocate retaining wall STA 89+00
Remove Landscaping STA 87+50 to 90+20
Remove Bushes STA 92+20 to 93+20
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